Lets Have A Chat!
Hi all
I hope that you have had a lovely Christmas, sadly now though christmas is over but we can still enjoy a few festivities at least until school starts again. I have had a good christmas this year I spent the day with my family parents, grandparent unties uncles and many cousins, I love seeing all my family in one place over the christmas holidays. I have received so many lovely presents from family and friends, but even more than that I love watching people open the presents I have got them and ones others have got them it makes feel so festive and warm and fuzzy.
Some of my cousins are young and at the age where they get so exited for santa coming on christmas eve I love seeing the excitement in the faces when they go to bed. Something I love to do with my cousins on christmas eve is use the Nordic Track Santa website it has a live image of where santa is in the world I used to love watching this on christmas eve and now I can enjoy the same things with my cousins. I hope that you to have had a magical christmas!
So I have been writing this blog for around a month now and so far it's going well I am enjoying writing, doing activities and then blogging about them. As you may have noticed my blog does not have a particular theme, it is fairly random and filled with things that I enjoy doing and writing about and I would like this up through the year of 2017. I hope that you enjoy reading this blog.
Soon we will welcome in a new year! I cant believe how fast this year has gone, this year has been quite stressful I have had so many huge exams and started a new school! There has also been some big news and changes happening in the world this year, but I hope the year of 2017 will be good for all us.
I hope you have a wonderful new year! What was your favourite thing about this christmas, and what is one thing that you are looking forward to in the new year? Please share in the comments below. Bye for now see you next week!
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