One Year of Blogging! - reflecting on my blog, what I've learnt and looking to the future.
Hi all,
Hope you have had a nice week! You read it right I have been blogging for an entire year! I have been blogging for year so I thought it would be a great time to reflect on the posts I have written and things I have got up to in relation!
It is actually really strange to think that this time last year on Thursday the 24th of November, I sat down and wrote my first ever post on this blog, admittedly it didn't say a lot (you can read that here) it was more of a creating the blog and working out how to use it post. 55 posts later and I'm still here and going strong.
What have I learned?
I had no idea what I was doing or what programme to use i chose blogger because it seemed really simple but I still did not know how to use all the features. I didn't even know how to publish a post and it took me a long time to learn what all the features did. I also think my photography has got a lot better in a year I enjoy creating flat-lays and mine have improved in a year. Another thing I now know my blog is how long it takes to write and do the photographs for a blog! - It takes a lot longer that I thought it would, especially if your adding links into the mix to! I was really nervous about writing and posting things here and although I wasn't expecting anyone to read it but I was nervous of what people would think if they did! But thankfully everything went well and I am still here working on and growing my blog today.
My five favourite blog post I wrote in my first year of blogging!
And why I like them!
I have done quite a few posts showing my favourite jewellery, earring, necklaces and bracelets. I believe this is one of the first and has three pieces of meaningful jewellery I still have and love.
I know is's nowhere near easter so why would add it here but this cake was delicious and I love how colourful it was! I really enjoy baking and I have done quite a few posts sharing recipes and all of them were so tasty so it was quite difficult to chose just one post but I settled with this one!
Again I love the look and images in this post and it reminds me of my birthday which I really enjoyed! So it made it onto my list!
I love the look and layout of this post and really love my scrapbook so this is one on my favourites If you like scrapbooking or are thinking of starting one then Id recommend having a look!
I know that technically the Croatia posts are two posts but in this case I having them I was going to do them as one but I had so many photos and wanted to say so much I made them into posts. I laid out this post in a diary style post talking about and showing what I did one day at time. I think together these posts are in joint first for my favourite posts ever on my blog!
I would love it you had a look back on any of these posts! I think my writing and definitely my photography has improved throughout this year!
Looking to the future!
I love blogging and love this blog. It is definitely something I am excited about continuing with and working on in the future, hopefully for many more years. But there are few things I want to change. Such as updating the look and tidying it up a bit I want it to reflect me and the things I love and currently I don't think it achieves this. I am not very good at the whole technical side of blogging (although I have got a lot better) so if you have any advice or know of any good posts I can read advice I would be really great full if you could links or tips in the comment section. I also want some more backgrounds for photographs so if you know anywhere that sells them that to would be really helpful.
Overall I am excited for the future and look forward to creating more posts and changing up the look.
Thankyou for reading! I hope you enjoyed, if you did you can follow me on the various social medias below so you don't miss a post.
Bye for now, see you next week!
Bye for now, see you next week!
You can subscribe to my blog by email in the box to right (if you are a on computer)
I just started my blog today... hopefully I stick with it and in a year I'll be writing something like this! Any tips? :) x
ReplyDeleteThat's exciting, I'm sure you'll love it! My biggest tip would have to be write about what you love and plan your content well in advance, rushed blog posts never turn out as well as those thought out and written in written in advance. Good luck with your blog! xx