Halloween Treats!

Welcome back to my blog if you've been here before, if not hello there, welcome, take a look around.  This week I have a double halloween treat post for you today, I am going to share the recipe to make these two treats shown above!
Halloween is coming, so this week I have been doing halloween prepping as at the weekend I have a halloween party with some of my friends, therefore I wanted to make some, tasty food that had a halloween theme!

Spooky Chocolate Bark
This chocolate bark is so simple to make and I think it looks really effective! Perfect for halloween get togethers, party or just to eat while watching tv on your sofa.

You Will Need 
One bar of milk chocolate
Edible eyes- you don't need these but I think they look really good.
You Could add 
Dried fruit

I used dried mango because I love mango and it's orange so looks extra Halloween like. I also used two kit kat sticks and halloween coloured m&ms, but you can add anything you like.

Line a baking tray or with grease proof paper.

 Next melt the chocolate in a glass bowl over a pan of water (or you could use the microwave)
Once the chocolate has melted pour onto the lined baking tray and add all the goodies to the chocolate. Allow to cool before putting ing the fridge to set.

And your done, break up into peices as necessary and enjoy.

Toothy Cookies

These are really simple to decorate and taste so good, perfect as a fun themed cooking for a halloween party!

Making the cookies 
I have a really nice cookie recipe here (which makes about 12 large cookies) but you can always use or your own recipe or use bought cookies, just skip to the decorating section below.

You Will Need 
300g/2cups of flour
225/1cup of castar sugar 
1 egg 
150g Chocolate chips 
200g/1cup softened butter 
1tsp baking powder 
1tsp vinilla extract
1 pinch of salt

Preheat to oven to 180'c or gas mark 4 
Mix together softened butter and the sugar.
Next sieve in the flour, baking powder, salt and add the vanilla extract.
Add the chocolate chips and mix.

Next add the egg.
Using your fingers mix together to make a dough texture. 

Roll the dough into balls and press down on a lined baking tray. 
Place in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

And your done with the cookies to decorate see below! 

Decorating the cookies 

You Will Need 
1 cup of icing sugar 
75g Packet of mini marshmallows 
2tsp red food colouring 

First cut the cookie in half. Mix the icing sugar with 2 tbsp of water you should do this slowly to make sure the icing doesn't become to watery, it needs to be quite thick so it stays on the cookie and the marshmallows stick. 

Spread the icing over the half the cookie making sure the flat side is down. Spread the marshmallows around the cookie like in the picture above. Add more icing to the top cookie half and place it onto the marshmallows.

And your done, now all you've got to do is eat them!!
Im sure you won't be disappointed!

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed. What's your favourite halloween treat, let me know in the comments below! Let me know if you give either of these a go! 
Bye for now, 
see you Monday (I know, bonus halloween post YAYA!)


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