The Knitting and Stitching show 2017!

Hope you've had a nice week. I am currently on half term which is so nice I have had most of this week off and will have all of next week, but I have quite a bit of home work. 

Last week I went to the knit and stitch show at Alexandra Palace, which I love. I went last year and really enjoyed it so I had to go again this year. It was a trip with my College textile group. Due to the nature of the event, I don't have that many photos, but I'll chat you through it all the same. 

We had to meet the group at the train station at 9 o'clock. Me and my friend got there really early because you can never tell how the busses are going to be so we always set off early to make sure we're not late to the train. But that was a good thing because it meant we were able to go and sit in this really cute bakery and eat some breakfast. 

We both had chocolate croissants. They were so good!

We then met with our other friend who was also going on the trip and waited for the rest of the group to turn up before getting on the train and heading to Alexandre Palace. When we got into the building we started looking around there was so much amazing stuff! One of my favourites was a hand sewn quilt with different panels for each season which then had more panels each with individual things associated with that season, such as ice cream, autumn leaves, chicks, snowmen, sleighs and a lot lot more. There was also a long line of bags each stitched with an interesting patterns or in interesting shapes. I was able to take a picture of one of the bags. This was the most unusual of the bags. 

We then carried on looking around at all the different exhibitioners work. There was some really interesting things for example there was some work made with really thin lace and layers of acrylic either side, these created really cool shadows on the wall.

It was so busy there were no tables to each lunch so we had to sit on the floor, which was fine as we were only eating sandwiches so it was kind of like a picnic. When we were finished we went to look around the market hall. I love that bit. It's filled with the most amazing fabrics, wool, and any other textile based craft you can think of. One thing that was being sold was a book showing you how to needle felt realistic looking creatures - the book is called "the natural world of needle felting" By Fi Oberon

Here is an image of some of a needle felted scene using animals shown in the book.

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to go to the knitting and stitching show and not buy anything! I bought some really lovely dusty pink fabric to make a cushion, this was bought from Soft and Still. I also bought a set that allows you to make a hanging cactus garland from Handicraft, and some really pretty felting fibres (I'm not sure where these were from)

Thank you for reading hope you enjoyed! I would definitely recommend the knitting and stitching show if you like that sort of thing! Have you ever been? What items can you never resist buying, let me know in the comments below! 
Bye for now, see you next week, for some halloween treats! 


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